Thursday, July 21, 2011


Last fall when I was at my sister, Ruth's, home in California, we cut apart her t-shirts to make a quilt. I finally got it together in May and quilted in June. Sent it off to her and now I can post a picture since she has received it.  Ruth had three or four large tubs of t-shirts collected around the world as she traveled.  When she was working at the lumber mill she wore a different one everyday for three months and then gave up.  There was a lot of shirts.  But we narrowed it down to places she had been or worked at.  I put a nautical flannel back on it so it will be comfy in the winter to cozy up in.


Pat from Florida said...

What sweet memories for Ruth. Did you quilt through the t-shirts, or around them. Curious minds want to know how to do it, LOL! I love flannel backing on a quilt. Your are a good sister.

Snippets of Carol said...

Thanks Pat she loved it.
I quilted the t-shirts just around some of the raised words, different in each block, just to hold them to the backing tightly.