Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Missy the Microbe

My niece, Dr. Beth Orcutt, is a micro biologist and is out on her research ship again this summer for a scientific tour.  They do lots of experiments and have a program for people to sign up and follow along and there are weekly activities to do at home.
Each summer my grandchildren and me sign up to follow one of the microbes.

Each year they have a different microbe for the kids to talk to and this year it is Missy the Microbe.  The Green Gang from NC [that's us] got to name the microbe this year. 

Here is the link if you want to see.


Pat from Florida said...

This is such a cool project. I have forwarded it all on to Melissa.

Snippets of Carol said...

oh yes, the kids have fun with this each year. Great fun and science.

Mary said...

Sounds like a lot of fun.