Tuesday, July 5, 2011


This week I made some pillow cases for special people. 

One dear friend wanted a quilty case to take on retreats so I chose some quilty ladies on black.  The cuff is measuring tapes.  Fun, Fun,  lets go on a retreat.

The second one was for my dear granddaughter who is celebrating her seventh birthday.  I had already made her a pillowcase and a mug rug.  However, when she saw the mug rug I had made her brother [who had an earlier birthday] that had skulls on it,  she of course requested that on hers.  I didn't had any of the fabric left.  So this weekend I found this fun fabric.  It has skeletons and skulls with flowers [she also thinks she is from Hawaii - she's not, but loves the flowers]  so I thought it was perfect for her.

1 comment:

Pat from Florida said...

I LOVE mine Carol! Thanks so much! And what a cute one you made for Hannah. Only you could come up with conmbining her belief in her Hawaian background (not) and skulls!