Wednesday, February 27, 2013

February Finishes

This weekend I finally finished a Christmas tree skirt that just needed quilting and binding on it. I think my grandson wanted this one for his stash. Will see. I have another top done and needs to be quilted. During the day when Katie is sleeping I am working on the one that daughter wanted.

I also quilted a table topper that I did for a swap for World Wide Quilting Day gift. I count it as finished but can't post a picture until after the gift is recieved and opened on March 16, 2013.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Why I have been busy

Wow its almost been a month since I have posted. I did some more of my ATW blocks and have got two more back. Will take pictures.

Just wanted to say that this is why I have been busy.  Katie is six months old now and a delight. I do not miss the sewing time taking time with my cutie-pie.